Hannah Ellis Reveals 'The Thing That Shocks People The Most' About Her

Photo: Getty Images

Hannah Ellis invited Instagram users to “get to know me” as she walked viewers through the step-by-step process to achieve her stunning look. As she applied her makeup, the “Country Can” artist shared a few fun facts about herself, including, among others:

  • “I think the thing that shocks people the most is I don’t like macaroni and cheese. Literally not my thing. Never was my thing, not even as a kid.”
  • “I love to scrapbook. Before my husband and I were even dating, I made him one, which, now, saying that out loud kinda makes me sound like a psychopath.”
  • “I have four siblings [1 of 5 kids (ages 3-25)]. Holidays are, as you can imagine, crazy.”
  • “The first time I ever said ‘I love you’ to my husband we weren’t even dating yet. We were at a bar and I just turned around was like, ‘you know I’m in love with you, right?’ And he just said, ‘I know.’”
  • “I took my little sister to see the Hannah Montana movie when I was 18, and I cried the entire time, and went home and told my parents that I thought I was supposed to be a singer for the rest of my life. And that’s what I did.”

She laughed in her caption: “Y’all should’ve seen the clips I cut out 😂”

Ellis is getting ready to release her next single, “Somebody Else’s Heartbreak.” She shared a brief snippet of the soon-to-release ballad on Instagram last week, revealing that it would be available on Friday, February 10. Listen to the teaser below, and watch Ellis’ “get ready with me” here: