Old Dominion premiered a breathtaking, “cinematic” music video to bring one of their latest ballads to life. The Mason Allen- and Nicki Fletcher-directed visual for “Some Horses” made its debut on Wednesday (September 6).
The video captured epic views of wild horses running through wide open fields as the bandmates ride motorcycles on a long, winding road. Performance shots are interspersed throughout the video, including frontman Matthew Ramsey singing as lightning flashes from the dark clouds behind him. Old Dominion said as the video premiered on Wednesday afternoon that they “wanted this one to feel as cinematic as the way the song came to life in the studio.” The band credited Allen and Fletcher with “painting a picture that means something and feels good at the same time.”
“I race and I run, I keep chasin’ the sun/ When I’m done, you see nothin’ but dust/ I’m restless and rare with the wind in my hair/ Going somewhere that I never was/ You were holdin’ me knowin’ I couldn’t be broken/ And now you’re just holdin’ the reins/ I’ll love you forever, you should have known better/ Some horses can never be tamed”
“Some Horses” was one of 8 tracks to appear on Old Dominion’s EP that released earlier this summer, Memory Lane. Old Dominion said at that time that “Some Horses” represents growth throughout their career. They said at the time: “We’ve been through hotel keys, one man bands, boats for the day, meat, candy, happy endings, therapy and tequila. We’ve put hooks on our hooks, and all kinds of sing- and clap-alongs, and we love the look on your faces when we play all these songs live, but we’re all adults... We know life is sometimes a little more complicated. We didn’t want to get all heavy and serious, but we figured we could keep doing what we do... maybe go a little further into thinking about life. That's what [‘Some Horses’] represents for us. We hope you love it as much as we do.”
“Some Horses” will also appear on Old Dominion’s forthcoming full-length album, which bears the same name as their EP. The 18-track collection — featuring collaborations with Megan Moroney and Blake Shelton — will release on October 6. Watch the “Some Horses” music video here: